The best shaping belts from Shapellx
Hello friends, how are you?
Many women these days are using and loving the shaping belts to give that special touch when wearing their clothes. Some women worry a lot about the belly, the silhouette or even to correct the posture. Modeling belts are an essential accessory, as they shape the woman's body, leaving the female sex more confident when wearing a piece. This accessory helps improve the fit of clothes, which is why we love belts.
Many women are looking to have their self-esteem up and confident and of course this is already possible, modelers create a smoother silhouette, and without leaving those seams under the clothes. There are several types of shaping belts, such as a beautiful design, such as gym clothes, shaping shorts, waist trainer for women, bodysuit, there are several pieces.
Shapellx is a store specialized in these types of clothes, they are pieces for all women of all shapes and sizes. The store is simply fantastic, there you will find pieces that will help you to have that perfect silhouette.
And today I want to give you 3 suggestions of some models for you, all the pieces are made with the best materials and of course good quality.
I want to start by showing you the best shapewear for tummy and waist, these underwear help to shape the body define thin the waist! One of the advantages of these modelers is to slim the belly. Like this beautiful body shaper made of comfortable fabric, with recycled nylon that feels like a second skin. The piece matches any bra, has an attractive design, lifts the butt and contours your curves, this piece has a double layer modeling fabric superimposed reinforcement, for easy access. In addition to having comfortable straps, the bodysuit is ideal to wear with a dress or jumpsuit.
Are you a fan of a bodysuit shapewear? I say I am, this is a piece that can't be left out of your closet. Bodysuits are extremely important pieces, as this body shaper has the function of shaping the body. Emphasizing your curves, for you to obtain the desired silhouette. This body helps to contour your body the way you want, the body will help to beautify your curves, this piece is super romantic, has floral lace details, soft cups and neckline on the back. It has a U-neckline on the back that can match your clothes, the stretch ensures a comfortable fit, adjustable shoulder straps, chest support design, with mesh fabric to cover the breasts. It is a perfect piece for you to use in your everyday life.
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ResponderExcluirMari já te respondi lá
ExcluirLucimar que lindas as peças , essas peças são essenciais para as mulheres gostei muito das suas sugestões bjs.
ResponderExcluirFrancisco bom final de semana pra você
ResponderExcluirNão é mesmo que parecem ser bastante práticas para usamos
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Sim Sofia bastante prática bjs
ExcluirGracias por la recomendación.
ResponderExcluirJ.P obrigada pela visita
ExcluirA Shapellx é rainha nesse ramo de cintas modeladoras 🎀
Mari verdade
ResponderExcluirEssas cintas são maravilhosos 🙂 gostei da sugestão
Boa tarde e um ótimo sábado com muita paz e saúde minha querida amiga Lucimar.
ExcluirÓtima dica Lucimar, esses modeladores são simplesmente tudo de bom, além de dar um charme a mais modelando o corpo alguns ajudam na postura!
ResponderExcluirMinda realmente dá um charme
ExcluirEsses modeladores são ótimos, Lucimar. Deixam o corpo muito bonito.
Adriana sim o corpo fica lindo
ExcluirDá sempre jeito a quem precisa de esconder umas gordurinhas.
ResponderExcluirIsabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
Sim Isa
ExcluirOi Lu, tudo bem? Gostei muito das peças, a minha favorita é a segunda. Preto com renda fica lindo. Um abraço, Érika =^.^=
ResponderExcluirErika que bom que você gostou das peças.
ExcluirEsses modeladores são maravilhosos para dar aquele charme num look
Alécia, do Blog ArroJada Mix
Alecia verdade
ExcluirEstou querendo uma lingerie modeladora.
ResponderExcluirVou dar uma olhada lá.
Maisa dá sim uma conferida
ResponderExcluirLu vou lá conferir a loja gostei dessas peças bjs